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One must be specified to use the locking functionality.Could not open the lock database.Failure reading locknull file for %sOpened but rejected huge file %sOpened but could not stat file %s/.DAV/.locknullCould not save lock information.INTERNAL DESIGN ERROR: the lockdb was opened readonly, but an attempt to save locks was performed.The lock database was found to be corrupt. offset %d, c=%02xError writing %d bytes to %sError opening %s for writingError removing %s.DAV/.locknull/INTERNAL DESIGN ERROR: DAV_GETLOCKS_COMPLETE is not yet supportedThe lock database was found to be corrupt. An indirect lock's direct lock could not be found.Could not save .locknull file.Could not load .locknull file.~1 Puo02PA@4o`4obo4omod_dav_fs.cspecify a lock databaseDAVLockDBInvalid DAVLockDB path executablegetlastmodifiedgetetaggetcontentlengthcreationdate incomplete/bad path was found in dav_fs_dir_file_name.The URL contains extraneous path components. The resource could not be identified.An error occurred while opening a resource.There was a problem removing (rolling back) the resource when it was being closed.There is not enough storage to write to this resource.An error occurred while writing to a resource.Could not seek to specified position in the resource.There is not enough storage to create this collection.Cannot create collection; intermediate collection does not exist.Unable to create collection.DESIGN ERROR: a mix of repositories was passed to copy_resource.Error(s) occurred on some resources during the COPY/MOVE process.Could not remove source file after move. Destination was removed to ensure consistency.Could not remove source or destination file. Server is now in an inconsistent state.Could not write output fileCould not read input fileCould not delete output after read failure. Server is now in an inconsistent state.Could not delete output after write failure. Server is now in an inconsistent state.Could not open file for writingCould not open file for readingDESIGN ERROR: dav_dbm_get_statefiles() returned inconsistent results.Could not fully copy/move the properties. The server is now in an inconsistent state.Could not move state file.State directory is actually a fileState directory disappearedCould not create internal state directoryThe resource was moved, but a failure occurred during the move of its properties. The resource was moved back to its original location, but its properties may have been partially moved. The server may be in an inconsistent state.The resource was moved, but a failure occurred during the move of its properties. The resource could not be restored to its original location. The server is now in an inconsistent state.Could not rename resource.DESIGN ERROR: a mix of repositories was passed to move_resource.Error(s) occurred on some resources during the deletion process.Could not fully remove properties. The server is now in an inconsistent state.Could not remove properties.DESIGN ERROR: walker called to walk locknull resources, but a lockdb was not provided..DAV"%lx""%lx-%lx-%lx" %s %I64dFT%s, %.2d %s %d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d GMT%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2dZThe 'executable' property expects a single character, valued 'T' or 'F'. The value submitted has too many characters.The 'executable' property expects a single character, valued 'T' or 'F'. The value submitted is invalid.The 'executable' property expects a single character, valued 'T' or 'F'. There was no value submitted.The 'executable' property cannot be removed.Could not set the executable flag of the target resource.After a failure occurred, the resource's executable flag could not be restored.filesystem0 H`4VS_VERSION_INFO66?"StringFileInfo040904b0pCommentsAll rights reserved. The license is available at <>. The Apache HTTP Server project pages are at <>.VCompanyNameApache Software FoundationZFileDescriptiondav_fs_module for Apache.FileVersion2.0.54<InternalNamemod_dav_fs.so6LegalCopyrightCopyright 2000-2004 The Apache Software HTTP Server2ProductVersion2.0.54DVarFileInfo$Translation  00<0D0T0000'131E1e1z111242T22223S333344}44444E5N5U5`5N6i6p6677%7.757E7d7k7{777777777K8`888G9f90:y:::P;;;;H>>>>??-?4?F?X?l????? d00 111S2334|5556m67727]777C8888888999(9J9c9j9|999:8:k:x:F*?x?0M0[0q000(4I4i444444444 55y5556 6\6666L7\77778a8y884:y:::::::';>;L;Y;g;;;;;; <'<5>+>8>e>>>>>>>>??5?>?L?Y?g????????@0001$161Q1w1111111 2212[2h2v2223i33333444445b55555>6F6P66666617A7S77779b:v:::;+;B;g;;<<>>>? ?????P/060P0W0o00000001#1<1J1Q1j1q1111 2#262{222233G3^3f3x333333 444#40484F4K4P4U4`4m4w444444.5J5W5d5`|1111111111112222222222222222222 33,3<3L3h3l3p3t3x3|3333333333333333333333p$5@5D5H5L5NB10yaBC:\asf-build\build-2.0.54\modules\dav\fs\Release\mod_dav_fs.pdb